26 November, 2012
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Ambassador Marlene Moses, Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States |
"Thank you very much, Mr. President.
Nauru has the honour to speak on behalf of the Alliance of Small
Island States, a coalition of 44 members particularly vulnerable to the impacts
of climate change.
AOSIS associates itself with the statement made by Algeria on
behalf of the Group of 77 and China, The Gambia on behalf of the Least
Developed Countries, and Swaziland on behalf of the African Group.
Mr. President,
At the outset, please allow me to congratulate you on your
election to the presidency and to thank the Government and the people of the
State of Qatar for their warm reception. Let me also assure you of our support
and our constructive engagement in these negotiations as we seek to ensure a
successful outcome here in Doha.
Mr. President,
Twenty years ago, in recognition of the dangers of climate
change, we came together as a global family and negotiated the UNFCCC. It was
then a truly ambitious agreement – the product of a time when humanity seemed
ready to tackle the greatest challenges of our generation.
We agreed that those with the greatest responsibility for the
problem and greatest capability to address it would take the lead. It was
recognized that developing countries would need assistance, particularly the
most vulnerable among us. And we set as our objective, not to slow, not to
delay, but to prevent dangerous interference with the climate system.
At its heart, the Convention was a pact we all made to safeguard
the lives and life prospects of present and future generations. As we convene
here in Doha at what is an important crossroads in our global effort to combat
climate change, it is appropriate to reflect on whether or not we have realized
our noble ambitions.
is difficult to answer in the affirmative when only one month ago, Hurricane
Sandy hit our brothers and sisters in the Caribbean and in the United States,
resulting in dozens of deaths and billions of dollars in damage, and reminding
us that we are all in this together. Many island communities have been
experiencing the impacts of more frequent and more intense extreme weather
effects for some time, but when the tragedies occur far away from the media’s
spotlight, they are too easily ignored or forgotten.
we embark on our negotiations over the next few weeks, we must keep in our
minds and in our hearts the victims of Hurricane Sandy, many of whom are still
trying to put their lives back together, and the countless other members of our
global family who are impacted by climate change.
Mr. President,
This conference is about nothing less than preserving the
fundamental integrity of the climate change regime, and that must begin with a
strong second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol is
the legal embodiment of the commitment made by Annex I Parties to take the lead
in addressing climate change. It is only because of the promise of a second
commitment period that the developing world agreed to enter negotiations under
the Durban Platform on a new legal agreement “applicable to all.”
Bringing all countries under one protocol is a fundamental
change in the regime with potentially far reaching implications, but it was
also part of a larger package. If the developed world shirks its
responsibility, then there will be no chance of a meaningful legal agreement
under the Durban Platform.
But a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol cannot
be a second commitment period in name only - it must be ambitious and it must
be credible.
AOSIS Leaders met in New York two short months ago and adopted a
Declaration reaffirming our positions on the Kyoto Protocol. Our Heads of State
and Government have agreed that a credible second commitment period must
include more ambitious QELROs from Annex I Parties, a 5-year commitment period,
provisional application, flexibility mechanisms limited to those Parties taking
on internationally legally binding mitigation commitments, and lastly, strict
limits on the carryover of surplus AAUs, as proposed by the G77 and China.
The offer from partners currently on the table is deeply
inadequate in ambition, would subvert the integrity of the international
regime, and thereby jeopardise the entire Durban package. If developed
countries cannot live up to their current obligations, how can we have any
confidence in a future agreement.
Mr. President,
The UNEP Gap Report makes it clear that ambition must be raised
urgently. The gap is growing! The world is on a dangerous trajectory that will
take us to over 3 degrees of warming and we are running out of time to change
course. This is why AOSIS has proposed a comprehensive workplan to continue
enhancing mitigation ambition over the next two years. The agreement to
undertake such a workplan was another critical element of the Durban package
and essential to allowing AOSIS to join consensus. It must remain a central
priority for our work here in Doha.
An outcome in Doha that does not include a substantive set of
workplan activities for 2013 to increase pre-2020 mitigation ambition is one
that AOSIS cannot accept. As we have said before, a failure to close the
pre-2020 mitigation ambition gap would have profound implications for the
scale, scope and nature of the necessary commitments and obligations under the new Protocol we have committed to adopt in 2015. An
intensive and concerted effort to close the gap must start here in Doha.
Mr. President,
Long-term finance was the missing element of the Durban package
and it must not be forgotten in Doha. Developed countries have committed to
mobilize 100 billion dollars per year by 2020 to fund adaptation and mitigation
in developing countries. We need concrete commitments towards fulfilling that
promise. As it now stands, the Green Climate Fund is an empty shell and the
fast start financing period will conclude at the end of this year.
calls for a commitment by developed countries to ensure that there is no gap in
the provision of scaled-up, new and predictable climate finance to developing
countries after the end of the fast start finance period. In this regard, we
call for the commencement of a second fast start-like period from 2013-2015. We
also call for common accounting rules to ensure that these funds are truly new
and additional. This is critical given the urgent and immediate needs of developing
countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate
Mr. President,
establishing an international mechanism to address loss and damage from the
adverse effects of climate change has long been a priority of AOSIS. It takes
on even more urgency in light of the low mitigation ambition reflected in
current pledges, the worsening of climate impacts, and the inadequacy of
international support for adaptation strategies in vulnerable countries. AOSIS
has made a concrete proposal on a mechanism for loss and damage and we look
forward to agreeing to establish such a mechanism here in Doha.
Mr. President,
is here to ensure that our rhetoric is reflected in our actions. How can we
accept an outcome that lacks environmental integrity and pat ourselves
on the back for having reached an agreement that fundamentally jeopardises our
future? The letter and the spirit of the Convention must guide our work here in
Doha. We must be able to look our children and grandchildren in the eye, and
tell them that we fought to protect a safe and prosperous future for all.
Thank you, Mr. President."
2013 ‘Next Generation of World Leaders Think Tank on Climate Change’
ReplyDeleteThe World Climate Change Challenge is seeking young people aged 18-28 years old to represent their Pacific Nationat the inaugural ‘Next Generation of World Leaders Think Tank’ which will be held in November 2013 in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam.
The 2013 ‘Next Generation of Global Leaders Think Tank’ will bring together 200 young people from a diverse array of countries, cultures and social standings, in an attempt to find the answers as to why it is still socially acceptable within almost all our global communities, for individuals & businesses, to maintain excessively large carbon footprints; and, what needs to be done to change the present social acceptance of these excessive carbon footprints, into that of it being totally socially unacceptable for individuals or businesses, to be the cause, or source, of size-able green house gas emissions.
Mr. Paul Phillips, the founding Director of the World Climate Change Challenge, states, “this generation of world leaders, as can be seen from previous United Nations Climate Change Meetings & Forums, show little interest, or motivation, in tackling green house gas emissions, in any meaningful way. Preferring instead to focus their attention & resources towards a problem that is impacting voters today: The Global Economy. He goes on further to say, “in 20-30 years from now, when the disastrous effects of this lack of action is causing catastrophic human disasters on a daily basis, today’s world leaders will either be dead, or in nursing homes. The world leaders of tomorrow, young people 18-28 today, will by then have inherited these mammoth environmental problems. Problems, which by this time, may be almost impossible to resolve”.
“Hence!” Mr. Phillips states, “the Leaders of Tomorrow, must get involved today, in the decision making processes which will determine the condition of the planet they are destined to inherit. They cannot afford to wait 20 years for the passing of the baton.
”Mr. Phillips is asking young people who are keen to have a hand in shaping the future of this planet, to seriously consider nominating to represent their country or state. He is expecting as many as 150 representatives from the 192 member states of the United Nations and a further 50 young people who are keen to represent their International Climate Change Organizations or Associations.
Those wishing to know more about the ‘Next Generation of World Leaders Think Tank’ or wanting to nominate simply need to visit www.worldclimatechangechallenge.com
to view the application requirements & details.
Paul Phillips
World Climate Change Challenge